Hey folks. Been reading the comic for a good while, so thought I'd join the forums. Stuff about me then, I suppose;
Male, 17, straight [boringly], and I'm British. I've started Japanese lessons recently, and I eventually want to go there to teach english as a foreign language, at schools. I really like shoujo-ai, because it seems much more original in general. In terms of my interests outside anime, I love rap, reggae, funk, [old] R+B, and all that kind of music. I'm big into PC games, too.
And to Sheena, keep up the darned good work. I love the comic!
"Interesting", eh? Certainly one of the tamer thing I've been called =P
I guess my mix of interests is fairly atypical, and I wouldn't have it any other way. To quote a certain motto out of context, I believe that everyone should "Do whatever they feel" ^_^