I know President Bush is working very hard for USA ,but I sorta dislike him =\ i dont hate him! or lik him that much! its kinda in the middle! ...Did Bush lost 3 wars? o.o im just wondering....
I am a Shoujo-ai Fan!!! FTW!!! :3 ! And I am currently in love with someone. xD
I dislike his views and the way he does certain things =/ like baning homosexual marriage, and all that... I'm not very educated in american politics however ^^;
Apart from being essentially the polar opposite of me politically [I'm somewhere in between socialist and liberal] his ridiculous adherence to religion makes me think even less of him. I don't like knocking peoples faith; and so I don't, but basing you life of principals written 2,000 years ago is stupid [let's not forget that faith and scripture are two totally different things].
Secondly, there is the whole war thing. I can *just about* think why America would go to war in retaliation for september 11th [even if it's a totally disproportionate and illogical revenge tactic] but the main thing is; over half of the Hijackers came from Saudi Arabia. Not coincidentally, a country which has fairly good relations with the American government. President Bush's wars have done nothing except demonise Islam [which is essentially the same as the other Abrahamic religions - Christianity and Judaism], and turn world opinion against America. Not a smart move.
Thirdly, [and I could say this of almost any country in the world, actually] just legalise gay marriage already would you? All the trailer trash are gonna vote for you anyway [who else could they vote for?] and it'd probably gain you support amongst the less closed-minded people. And that is looking at it merely from a logical perspective of the Republican party.