Still it seems not so easy to remember a lesbian-themed song... except for T.A.T.U... I could write a gi-i-iant post about this Shapovalov's creation, but I'm still a bit shy to talk about pop-art. However, I must admit... some of their early songs are quite... dynamic... just as a example
I really don't understand why this video was rated 18+...
I'm not 100% sure, but I was under the impression that the whole tatu thing was totally manufactured - including their alleged lesbian-ness. It was a sort of publicity stunt kinda thing.
Although I'm sure I could be wrong; don't know an awful lot about cause I don't really listen to that kinda music too often.
I listen so a lot of music and listen to it everyday I love it. It helps me think, relax, get new ideas for drawing or even writing stories. I've been listening to a lot of Jpop and Jrock now I love them I mostly listen to Nami Tamaki and some Ayumi Hamasaki both great singers. But I do love Dir En Grey and other singers I can't remember. For american bands I listen to Slipknot they're my favorite